Professor Li Ruohong granted his popular science reading work to Japan cartoon colleague dean Japanese all circles friends gave their autograph on delegation flag as memento…
November 22, 2008, Tunisia media reported Tunisia President his Excellency Mr. Ben Ali, met the chairman of China World Peace Foundation Mr. Li Ruohong. Mr. Li introduced Peace Garden’s…
September 8 to 10,2006, the Sunresources Club organized 16 countries’ ambassadors ?to China and their families to have a trip to Baotou. The participants were mainly…
On the occasion of the 49 anniversary of the peace and friendship establishment between Mongolia and China, Beijing International Friendly Contact association donated automobile to…
20:00, June 8, 2008, a Boeing 747 airplane full with 500 tents with Tunisia flag sample landed on ChengDu airport. The tents, which could hold ten thousand suffering families, are…
European Fund corporations held international financial workshop in Peace Garden la Coopération du Fond Européenne organise un salon de travail financier international…
Paramount president visited Peace Garden Paramount business delegation investigated Huairou film and television bases Paramount president wrote an inscription for…