President Li Ruohong Attended the Annual Meeting of China Society for People's Friendship Studies
Date:2019-01-30    Count:50455

Every thing renews as the New Year comes! On Juanary 21st, 2019, the Annual Meeting of China Society for People's Friendship Studies was held in Beijing. 

President Li Ruohong, Ambassadors of China to other countries, old comrades and international friends gathered togather to celebrate the New Year. 

Ms. He Liliang, Founder of China Society for People's Friendship Studies, Former Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress of China, Wife of Mr. Huanghua--Former China's Foreign Minister, 

Mr. Zhuang Yanlin gaining "Commemorative Medallion of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression" from President Xi Jinping, Former 

Chairman of All-China Federation of Returned Oversees Chinese,Ambassador Mr. Qian Jiadong, Foreign Affairs Secretary of Premier Zhou Enlai,Mr. Su bensheng, Vice President of Beijing Association 

for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Ms. Isabel Crook, the 103-year-old Famous Canadian International Friend, International Communist Fighter, Educator, Pioneer of English Teaching Field in the

new China, Mr. Luo Yuan, Major General of Foreign Military Research Department of the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences, Mr. Liu Jian, Major General, Vice President of the Chinese People's 

Liberation Army Equipment College, Mr. Li Ruohong, President of China World Peace Foundation, Ms. Wang Wei, Vice Director Gneral of the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 

Heads of differnt Deparments of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dozens of former Chinese ambassadors to other countries, Mr. Gu Pin'e, Vice President of China Society for People's Friendship Studies, 

Mr. Zhen Jianguo, Mr. Wu Zexian, Mr. Liu Xinsheng, Mr. Wu Congyong, Mr. Gao Zhendong, Ms. Zhang Tong, Mr. Zhao Fuzhen, Mr. Tian Tao, Mr. Ma Xinghong,Deputy secretary-generals of China Society for People's 

Friendship Studies, Executive directors, Directors, old friends supporting the work of China Society for People's Friendship Studies over the years, offsprings of old generation of revolutionist,and 

Ambassadors and friends from Spain, the United States, Russia, Pakistan, Germany, Denmark, Japan and other countries about attended the annual meeting.And more than 200 guests presented at this meeting. 

Mr. Liu Xinsheng, Vice President of China Society for People's Friendship Studies mediated this annual meeting. Vice President Mr. Wu Zexian gave a report on the Work has been done in 2019 and the 

2019 Work Plan. In his report, Mr. Wu reviewed the Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Death of French Doctor--Jean Jérome Augustin BUSSIERE co-organized with China World Peace Foundation in Beijing 

Peace Garden Museum.The Guests also watched cultural perfomances on the meeting.

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