Dr. Li Ruohong is Honored as Peace Hero of the BalkanArea
Date:2016-10-25    Count:44800

Dr. Li Ruohong, president of China WorldPeace Foundation and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation, led adelegation to participate a series of events, including attending “Peace Hero”Award Ceremony held in Bosnia and Herzegovina on November 24th, andgiving interviews to international TV channels. .     

At the ceremony, Mr. Osmo Vatres, presidentof Balkan Club of Peace and presenter of the conference introduced Dr. LiRuohong, Mr. Stepan Mesic, former president of Croatia, Mr. Werner Fasslabend,former Speaker of Austrian Parliament, former Minister of Defense and Mr. CarlosAcosta, a famous Uruguayan football player and their contribution to the Balkanarea and the international community. Four winners shed lights on and voicedtheir hopes for the Balkan area from multifaceted international perspectives intheir acceptance speeches.

Dr. Li Ruohong said: The road towards peaceis rough and requires cross-cultural cooperation. The world is changing as wespeak. So are all countries. It has become a common historical mission for NGOsof our age to find answers to questions like how to defuse regional tensions, addresssocial conflicts arising from the gap between the rich and the poor; how to createa safer world for a brighter next generation; and questions like how to helpdeveloping countries and vulnerable groups with efficiency and dignity. We wishto learn from and share experience with Balkan Club of Peace and internationalguests. Let’s march forward side by side on “Belt and Road ” and the roadtowards peace.

The participants also verbalized theirintention to work in cooperation in support of issues of international concernsthrough bilateral and multilateral cooperation in culture, education, sports,tourism, investment and trade etc. Youngsters of different ethnicities and 260guests from 56 countries attended the event. Dr. Li Ruohong also took a group photowith student representatives from the mainland China, Taiwan and Hongkong.


Dr. Li Ruohong giving acceptance speech

Dr. Li Ruohong along with Mr. Stepan Mesic, former president of Croatia,Mr. Werner Fasslabend, former Speaker of Austrian Parliament, former Ministerof Defense and Mr. Carlos Acosta, a famous Uruguayan football player honored “PeaceHero” of Balkan area

Four winners withstudents from international United World College in Mostar

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