The Tunisian Ambassador And His Wife Attend The Family-Style Gathering
Date:2016-02-02    Count:38518

On Feb.1st, 2016, the Preliminary Eve ofthe Chinese Spring Festival, the families of Tunisian Ambassador H.E. Mr. TarekAmri, Mr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of Board of Directors of Beijing InternationalPeace Culture Foundation (BJIPCF) and Mr. Li Honghai, Director of BJIPCFgathered at Peace Garden Museum just like what family members do.

In a festival atmosphere, Mr. Li Ruohongintroduced to Mr. And Mrs. Amri Chinese traditions and customs and exchangedwith them ideas on the comparison of cultures of China, Japan, Tunisia andEurope. During the dinner, Mr. Amri expressed his profound love for Chinesecosine: ”As an Ambassador, a general knowledge of local cosines, living style,customs and traditions, art and culture, etc.of the country to which I’ve beenappointed is indispensable and that’s just what I’m interested in.” Besides agastronome, Mr. Tarek is also a fan of cooking. Mrs. Tarek, an artist, also aprofessional of ikebana, showed great willingness to co-host cultural programswith Peace Garden Museum. Mr. And Mrs. Tarek’s love for life inspired all thepeople present.

Mr. Tarek explained the investmentpreferences and trading mentalities of Tunisian entrepreneurs. He also acceptedthe initiative of the establishment of an association for China-Tunisiafriendship and promised to invite representative enterprises to join theassociation. Besides, Mr. Tarek, who used to serve as the deputy chief ofmission to Japan, shared with Mr. Li Honghai the experiences in Japan.

Mr. Li Ruohong highly appraised NationalDialogue Quartet of Tunisia-the 2015 Nobel Peace Price Winner and Mr. Tarekexpressed his enthusiasm to be a part of the peace cause pursued by BJIPCF.

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