Peace Culture Delegation received warm welcome on way back home
Date:2014-11-21    Count:23475

     Having successfully ended its one month tourto Cote d'Ivoire and Mali, the Peace Culture Delegation headed by Ms.XiaoKejian, Deputy Secretary General of China World Peace Foundation (CWPF) came toParis, the Headquarters of UNESCO to report its work and was warmly welcome by Mr.Hans Daoweile, Assistant director General of UNESCO in charge of strategic affairs on November 17, 2014. UNESCO Senior officials in charge of teenagereducation and peace culture propaganda also attended the report meeting. Havinglistened to the work report of the delegation, Mr.Hans Daoweile gave a highevaluation on the delegation’s work. He said that it happened to be a veryspecial time when you visit Africa. It was really not easy for you to brave theEbola epidemic. By keeping peace culture propagating mission inmind, you had done a lot during your visit and successfully accomplished thismission. He was especially grateful to Mr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of CWPF and ShiYongxin, Abbot of the Shaolin Temple for their support for this project. Heissued certificate to each one of the delegation.


 Delegation members withMr.Hans Daoweile


       The delegation also paid an official call toMs.Benbarka, Assistant director General of UNESCO in charge of African affairs.She praised the peace idea the delegation brought to Africa when Africa is indifficulty. She said that Mali is her home country. It is not only Malian youthneed the idea of peace, understanding, inclusiveness and forbearance, but allyouth in African countries need them. They all need this kind of delegation topropagating peace idea. She also directed her senior assistant to pay closeattention to this project and give necessary coordination.

The delegation members with Ms.Benbarka

       The delegation also paid a visit to Mr.Bruno Lehu,Chairman of Sino-French Friendship Group with French National Assembly and Chairman of French Socialist Party Parliamentary Group and toured the Parliament House. He hoped the delegation could go on speaking tour and demonstration allover France to pass on peace idea to the French youth through the model ofmartial art which is loved by teenagers.


 All the delegation members withMr.BrunoLehu and his colleagues  

The delegation arrived in Beijing smoothly on November 19, 2014. Mr. Li Ruohong,Chairman of the CWPF held a grand ceremony in the Peace Garden Museum towelcome the delegation back home. The Ambassadors of Cote d'Ivoire and Mali to China and diplomats in charge of cultural affairs in the two Embassies attendedthe ceremony. Having listened to the work report of the delegation, Mr. LiRuohong said, the idea of peace+1 put forward by CWPF has been recognized by African countries as well as many countries all over the world. The tour to Coted'Ivoire and Mali is a practice for peace and culture and has received verygood results. Malian Ambassador said on behalf Ambassador of Cote d'Ivoire thatthe tour to our two countries is just like to one country for the two countriesare boundary connected and people are closely related. Stability is good forboth of our two countries. As the Ambassador, I will care for and pay closeattention to this project.As long as it is for peace, they will givetheir support.

At the welcome ceremony

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