China Shaolin Peace Culture Delegation calls on religious leaders in Mali
Date:2014-11-05    Count:38663
China Shaolin PeaceCulture Delegation with Chairman of the Islamic Association of Mali
China Shaolin PeaceCulture Delegation with Deputy Chairman of the Protestantism of Mali 
China Shaolin PeaceCulture Delegation with  Catholicism Archbishop of Mali

On November 3, 2014, China Shaolin Peace CultureDelegation headed by Ms. Xiao Kejian, Deputy Secretary General of China WorldPeace Foundation (CWPF) called on the Chairman of the Islamic Association ofMali, Deputy Chairman of the Protestantism of Mali and the Catholicism Archbishop of Mali in the company ofthe representatives from the Youth Ministry and the Ministry of ReligiousAffairs of Mali

Ms.Xiao Kejian introduced the cooperationbetween China Shaolin Peace Culture Delegation with UNESCO and the “peace + 1”modelin doing public affairs to the hosts. She said that although our religiousbelief is different, desire for peace and kindness is the same. We all hope theworld is in peace and the people live in happiness and good health. The headsof all religious sects agreed with what Ms.Xiao said. The Chairman of the IslamicAssociation of Mali said that the friendship between China and Mali has a longhistory and his association is willing to build cooperation ties with CWPF, soas to promote the contact between our two countries in non-government andreligious fields. The Catholicism Archbishop of Mali expressed it is very important forthe delegation to come to Mali to explain and publicize peace at the time thatMali is badly in need of peace. China is the most reliable friend of Mali allalong. The words “Made in China” is known to every Malian old and young. We cansee Chinese mark everywhere in Mali, such like gymnasium, roads, factories, motorcycles,clothes and commodities.  

Whenever Mali meetswith difficulty, China never looks on in silence. It must give us selfless helpand support. Therefore, the delegation comes to Mali to explain and publicizepeace to the Malian youth and spread the concept of mercy, restraint and comity.This is especially important for the young people in Mali when the country isin violence. He further noted that to it still has a long way to go to let allto accept the peace concept. He hoped that such kind of nongovernmentaldelegation come to Mali for exchange very often.

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