Li ruohong speaks at UNESCO Headquarter and flies doves of peace
Date:2014-09-16    Count:39123

Li ruohong speaks at the commemorative conference “SlaveRoute”


DG of UNESCO flies doves with VIP guests

September 10, 2014, UNESCO headquarter inParis commemorates the "Slave Route" project launched 20 years ago.The project was initiated in 1994 in Benin, and plays an important role inintercultural dialogue and exchanges.

UNESCO Director-General Ms Irina Bokova,Chairman of the UNESCO General Conference Hao Ping, President of China World Peace Foundation, Li Ruohong, former President of Mozambique, Joaquim Chissano ,formerGovernor General of Canada Michaelle`Jean, Minister of justice of FranceChristina Taubira, the Haitian Minister of Culture, Jamaican ambassador to UNESCO,jazzmusician Marx Miller attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

    the theme for This year is"resistance, liberty and heritage; assume the history, understand the present,and build the future together”. Bokova Director-General, chairman Hao Ping, andLi Ruohong as well as 20 guests fly peace doves in front of the UNESCOheadquarters symbolic”globe”. Bokova Director-General, said: "this year isthe 210 anniversary of Haitian independence and the 20th anniversary of"slave Route"project, the abolition of the slave trade has a specialsignificance in 2014. "Li Ruohong stressed:" Peace is the coreobjective of mankind, China World Peace Foundation and Beijing InternationalCultural Foundation for Peace will continue to use "peaceful +1"model to support the peaceful development of African countries. This is an eraof international public and civil society, we should extend warm hands and witha balance of love, promote the interests of different nations and the peacefulcoexistence between countries with different cultures. "

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