Witnessed by NESCO Li Ruohong and Shi Yongxin Signed A Cooperative MOU to Support Africa
Date:2014-06-06    Count:39040

       On June 5th 2014, China World PeaceFoundation Chairman Li Ruohong signed a cooperative memorandum with Shiyongxin, Abbot of Shaolin Temple in Peace Garden Museum witnessed by Mr. Hans D’Oville,the Assistant Director-General of UNESCO.

       Beijing International Peace CultureFoundation together with the newly-founded “Youth Dream Fund” are going tocollaborate with the world-renowed China Songshan Shaolin Temple inviting theirmartial monks to Africa and devote themselves to the dissemination cause of “PeaceCulture” of UNESCO. Through leanring Chinese martial arts, help the youth of Africancountries to assimilate the values such as “tolerance, benevolence, self-disciplineand forbearance”, and gather the courage to say “no” to violence, to acceleratethe process of peace and reconcilliation of related countries, and to build thedefences of peace in the minds of the people.

       Mr. Hans D’Oville, Assistant Director-Generalof UNESCO has given his inscription to the Youth Dream Fund on the spot:

       “Youth is the present and the future – itstask is to honor and preserve world heritage and to build lasting peace.”

Witnessed by UNESCO, China World Peace Foundation signed a cooperativememorandum with Shaolin Temple

Inscriptionby Mr. D’Oville for the Youth Dream Fund

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