Li Ruohong Appeals at UN: World Transformation Needs World Citizens
Date:2013-04-22    Count:39680
Mr.LiRuohong delivers a speech at UNGM
美国中文电视台采访李若弘SinoVinsion interviews Mr. Li Ruohong
千年发展目标颁奖委员会向李若弘颁奖MDGawarding committee presents award to Mr. Li Ruohong
中国世界和平基金会与参加模拟联合国的中国青少年代表们ChinaWorld Peace Foundation and youth representatives attending MMUN

From Apr 10th to Apr 13th,Li Ruohong, Chairman of ChinaWorld Peace Foundation led a delegation to attend activities held by MMUN. UNofficers and 1500 youth representatives from more than 100 countries attendedthis conference and conducted and voted for international hot issues. They reachedagreement on below items, setting global security standards, protectingintellectual property rights and developing international copyright law, concerningmicro-finance and reducing the influence of economic crisis, respecting genderequality and fighting against children sexual slavery, helping underprivilegedcountries to reduce natural disasters and establish hospitals and schools,resolving Syrian conflicts through peace talks and providing help in the aspectof home rebuilding, carrying out nuclear control over North Korea and offeringmedical assistance, supplying drinking water to South Sudan, helping Malawi inaspects of agriculture, education and science and technology to wipe out poverty,establishing international non-governmental forum committee guided by theprinciple that non-profit NGO would change the world. The students also donatedto underprivileged countries.

Dr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of China WorldPeace Foundation, said to the students, “You’ve already had the experience aslittle diplomatists, and the ability to analyze complicated internationalpolitical, economic and social problems from international perspective and withthe vision of peace.” “World transformation needs world citizens. Thecultivation of world citizens should begin from the teenagers. All countriesshall help them to be developed into contributive talents of society.” “Dreams,efforts and opportunities work wonders.” Dr. Li Ruohong also quoted the wordsfrom Chairman Mao Zedong, “The world belongs to the old and the young alike,but its future lies in the hands of the young ones in the end.” At the end ofhis speech, he presented his book “NGOs in China” and children popular sciencereadings to some teachers and students.

On the morning of Apr 11th, Dr.Li Ruohong was interviewed by Sino Vision. He expressed his opinions aboutinternational situations and China-US relationships. In the interview he alsointroduced “Peace plus One” model of China World Peace Foundation and itsexperience in serving world people. The problems of how to conductinternational communication and cooperation, as well as enhance thetransparency, credibility and influence of NGO were also mentioned.

On Apr 13th, the MDG awarding committeeissued awards to 7 NGOs for their contributions in eliminating extreme povertyand hunger, popularizing primary education, promoting gender equality andempowering women, advancing global cooperation and other aspects toward theachievement of MDG. When presenting award to Dr. Li Ruohong, the committeestated that, “As a peace ambassador, it can be seen that China World PeaceFoundation has made tremendous contributions to international society insocial, economic and cultural fields.” Institutions and people from all walksof life acclaimed and complimented the award-winning organizations. It is saidthat, the delegation of China World Peace Foundation held meetings with UNOP,UNDP, and UN Economic and Social Council during its visit in USA. The topicscovered almost all the ranges of society like art, sports, education, scienceand technology, commerce, publishing, tourism, finance, medical treatment,agriculture law and nuclear safety. Sino Vision and China Press USA conducted afollow-up interview.

During series of activities, Dr. Li Ruohongpresented a ceramic plate to Sino Vision and MDG awarding committee. On theplate has the inscription for peace by Mo Yan, the winner of Nobel Prize ofliterature.

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