灾区故事题材文化衫与和苑捐赠的少儿科普读物 Story-telling T-shirt from earthquake area and Children’s scientific books donated by Peace Garden 2008年6月8日晚8:00一架波音747大型货运专机满载500顶标注突尼斯国旗的的帐篷飞抵成都机场。这些可容纳一万名灾民、安置五百个家庭的帐篷是突尼斯共和国本-阿里总统对中国四川灾区特别选送的赠品,表达了突尼斯人民对中国人民的情谊。 20:00, June 8, 2008, a Boeing 747 airplane full with 500 tents with Tunisia flag sample landed on ChengDu airport. The tents, which could hold ten thousand suffering families, are presented by Tunisia President his excellency Mr. Ben Ali, with his consideration for Chinese disaster area and his friendship with Chinese people. 突尼斯驻华大使穆罕默德-巴斯里先生与中国-突尼斯企业家协会主席李若弘先生与四川省政府相关的领导参加了交接仪式。为了表示对灾区儿童文化生活的关心,李若弘先生还捐赠了四百册由他主编的科普读物《百变精灵》。据悉,该书已成为20多个国家文化交流的纽带。四川美术学院志愿者们还连夜手绘了不同救灾故事题材的文化衫送给了代表团每个成员。悲痛后的这种无国界的和谐大爱场景缩短了两国距离,给在场的人们留下深刻的记忆。 Tunisia Ambassador Dr. Basly and Chairmen of China-Tunisia Entrepreneur Association Mr. Li Ruohong, together with Sichuan governmental representatives, attended the Handing-over Ceremony. In order to express the care for kids cultural life in disaster area, Mr. Li Ruohong donated four million children’s scientific books “Changing fairy” which was edited by himself to the kids there. It is reported that those books have became a unique cultural and communication link with more than 20 countries. Volunteers from Si Chuan Art School draw many different story-telling T-shirt for each representative in this delegation in the same night. This non-national boundaries harmonious Great Love after pain, short the distance between countries, which give all witness a deep impression. |